Calling from Python

For maximum convenience, a wrapper kineticpy has been built to locate all the methods from Python.

How to use?

Let's start by cloning the repository and changing into the directory.

git clone
cd kineticpy

Next, we start python. The Julia main module can be installed and initialized by

>>> import kineticpy
>>> kineticpy.install()

The basic structs and methods are stored in the base module, and can be imported via

>>> from kineticpy import base


We provide some quick tutorial here for kineticpy.

>>> from kineticpy import base
>>> import numpy as np

>>> u = np.linspace(-5, 5, 28) # velocity space
>>> prim_var = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # primitive flow variables
>>> M = base.maxwellian(u, prim_var) # compute Maxwellian distribution
>>> M.view()

array([7.83543327e-12, 2.77323769e-10, 7.46041809e-09, 1.52542631e-07,
       2.37067103e-06, 2.80029217e-05, 2.51412806e-04, 1.71562923e-03,
       8.89839075e-03, 3.50793472e-02, 1.05109877e-01, 2.39379825e-01,
       4.14365469e-01, 5.45169515e-01, 5.45169515e-01, 4.14365469e-01,
       2.39379825e-01, 1.05109877e-01, 3.50793472e-02, 8.89839075e-03,
       1.71562923e-03, 2.51412806e-04, 2.80029217e-05, 2.37067103e-06,
       1.52542631e-07, 7.46041809e-09, 2.77323769e-10, 7.83543327e-12])